Thursday, August 10, 2006

What does it take to be a Buddha?

Off late there has been a big question looming over my mind - what does it take to be a Buddha?
what does it feel like to be enlightened? How can i reach a state where i neither look down nor look up at people or situations? I need to be that mirror and just reflect the conditions. Feel that eternal peace and make people around me feel serene. Above all lose this penchant for the material and treat them as they are deserved to be treated. Path to it can be explained but then to exerience them would be another thing....but then i hope someday i walk that path...feel that peace - Good luck to me!!


Deeps said...

Think twice before u get married Joe. Btw, u should allow anonymous comments!

Deeps said...

joe.. it's me deepa who posted that comm but it says resh

... said...

Hey Deepa, i think every individual requires to use the right amount attachment and detachment in a relationship for it to be really flying!! :)
Well this is only my humble opinion ;)