Sunday, January 21, 2007

Time for resurgence

I recieved yet another wonderful article on India today. It portrayed the reality claiming that there is a section of India which is highly optimistic which dreams of building and acquiring the multi nationals and the other half mostly pessimistic with their own uncertainities. Those who are ready to lead and those who are waiting to be led!!
I am really amazed at the disparities of our Indian society. On one end there is so much pride on our shoulders when we hear about acquisitions like the Arcelor one and on the otherside we have so much pain when we see the poverty. It is not possible to easily get rid of the differences. I have friends in the west who think it is cruel for me to enjoy any luxury when my fellow citizens dont have even 3 times meals a day. But then i do not agree to this. I think i really need to experience what other nations are like. I need to know how far we are behind or what is better in my country as compared to the developed countries.
But i think it is this optimism that we need to shift ourselves to. We need to add quality to the quantity that we have. We have to develop a sense of vision to every little thing we do. It is time to resurge to bring back our old glory. To take a relook at ourselves and identify the rich cultural heritage from hollow meaningless rituals. Max Mueller once said that India existing today is a hollow skeleton of the glorious past that we had. And before we lose sight of our moorings trying to ape the sophosticated west it is time for us to resurge and reform ourselves.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Truely liberation!!

This is one of the craziest things that i have heard of recently. Pakistan has its first mixed sex marathon and what is even better is that this is claimed as a way to show the world that the nation is progressing.
I have always hated cultures making a big weather of women doing things. For that matter i think both men and women have to exercise restraint. And the very fact that the oppressed in a society shows how backaward and narrow minded a culture can be. There can be certain rules in a society so that we differentiate ourselves from animals. But then any regulation that oppresses even basic freedom based on gender, race, creed is a definite step backwards. But to round it off, i must admit that it must really be ecstatic to have this event in a society that makes such a heavy wind about it!!

Democracy for India

I am from the largest Democracy and honestly i dont know if i should feel happy about it or not!! On one side you have the freedom of free press, elections etc on the other hand you have the problem of illiteracy and disparity. People who do not understand the implications of not voting or voting for the wrong people.
The so-called uneducated literates who are intelligent enough to neglect the dirty world of politics and prosper in their MNC jobs. Or worse those who are a part of the system and exploit all these factors.
The other day i had this interesting discussion with one of my colleagues who said we are not yet ready for democracy. In a good democracy you need people who are educated, who are serious about being a part of the selection and who really think that they need to make it work for them. So we ended up in discussions like China Vs India for the Communism Vs Democracy kind of discussions. Coming to think of it it is like finding fault with the blueprint when actually the project execution is at fault.
I dont think that the system is the problem - i think the way it is executed is the actual issue. So there goes my vote for democracy still - and i hope we learn to improve awareness to better the situation rather than living in a mood to establish faults!!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Board games to socialize

I have had some of the most fulfilling insights into the German culture this trip i must admit.
I was here to see both the Christmas and the Silvester (New Year's Eve) celebrations and also to make a few visits to my colleagues' houses.
But the one i want to write to you about today is about how the board games are used as a medium to socialize with colleagues. Last thursday i had the opportunity to play "Thurn and Taxis" with another three colleagues of mine. This was a game about establishing routes and then building post offices with a few roles and rules which allow to accumulate points along the way. I found that this is a nice way to strike a chord with colleagues you dont directly work with but exist being in the same group or even in the same cubicle. Leaving away the fact that i had the least points in the game we played , but i thought we had loads of fun. I think this really is a very effective way to build a team. Just keep it going - now your turn to roll the dices!!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Black or White

What you dont have is what you are always after and till you realise all that you already have is enough, there is no peace of mind. Well, i know i have a written an extremely confusing statement though i honestly believe ;) that it conveys something profound.
I am rather pondering over one such thought - in India, it is considered better if you are fair in complexion. Now what is perplexing is that in the west the caucasians would rather like to tan their skin!!
So i thought about a lot of reasons as to why this contradiction across cultures with regards to you skin complexion exists and i feel this one is the most likely reason. Being fair complexioned in a country where there is lots of sun means that you are well off and dont necessarily have to toil hard in the sun - a sure sign of prosperity. Whereas in the west, anybody who is tanned (atleast in the past when there were no sun studios) has probably been on a vacation to an exotic beach destination - which also is a sure sign of prosperity!! And my conclusion is that able to convey this message gives a elevated status in the society.