Sunday, January 14, 2007

Board games to socialize

I have had some of the most fulfilling insights into the German culture this trip i must admit.
I was here to see both the Christmas and the Silvester (New Year's Eve) celebrations and also to make a few visits to my colleagues' houses.
But the one i want to write to you about today is about how the board games are used as a medium to socialize with colleagues. Last thursday i had the opportunity to play "Thurn and Taxis" with another three colleagues of mine. This was a game about establishing routes and then building post offices with a few roles and rules which allow to accumulate points along the way. I found that this is a nice way to strike a chord with colleagues you dont directly work with but exist being in the same group or even in the same cubicle. Leaving away the fact that i had the least points in the game we played , but i thought we had loads of fun. I think this really is a very effective way to build a team. Just keep it going - now your turn to roll the dices!!

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