Sunday, July 22, 2007

Iran Awakening - Book Review

I admire the strength and honesty of Shirin Ebadi whose book i read last. Similar i felt a long time ago when i read "Lajja" by Taslima Nasreen. But to be fair it is no way a comparison of two personalities but just a tribute to courage these women have shown under similar circumstances.

What i liked the most about this book is that it conveys quite lucidly what a woman went through under such tremendously trying conditions. She speaks to you as a mother, daughter and a wife. But above all, she speaks to you as a patriot who loves her country but despises only the fundamentalists - which is very noble. I dont find me even mustering half as much courage if i were to imagine myelf under similar conditions. All the attrocities commited in the name of religion was really unbelievable in the beginning. Time and again i kept telling "No... this cant be true!!". Such is the madness that the regime has unleashed on helpless people. What is striking is total lack of respect for women that shows how weak and insecured the men in power would have been.

Not only do i salute these brave women but also wish them all the luck in succeeding in their big fight for equality. Let men understand that by eliminating women from circle of decision making they simply lose out half their intellectual strength!! Let some sense prevail.


AlpsMan said...

Jo - Off late your blog has become one of my destinations for Book Reviews - A compliment indeed! As a "learned" friend (i.e., you), I would look upto your blog for more diversed views and perspectives on diveresed matters that we encounter on a day-to-day basis!

Keep bloggin & rocking!

... said...

Hey Chals - Thanks for your encouragement. There is so much more that i can write/do - will do my best...

Anonymous said...

Wow Jo! I appreciate. There are very few men who can approve of the women intellect!

... said...

Thanks Deepa.. To bring in this into deeds and actually live this equality would be the bigger challenge :) but then i can claim that i atleast sincerely attempt towards this...