Monday, December 22, 2008
Legends: Muhammed Ali - Book: The Unseen Archives

Thursday, November 20, 2008
Grownup digital

I found this extremely interesting view on the internet generation.
In my opinon, a good combination of book reading and net searching are needed. Former gives an opinion and substantiates it and the other helps you vet your apetite for information that will help you form an opinion.
I havent read this book and i am not too sure if i will pick this up one of these days...but then if you do read it then do me a favor and let me know on some of the details. I am certainly interested on the reasoning.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Book Review - Dispatches from the edge

Not only does he talk about the plight of the people under these extreme circumstances, but also the differences and similarities he sensed. It is from a people's angle and does not go into lengths with too much of facts and figures. Emotions ride high when he remembers loud of his secured past when his father was alive.
This book is more of a personal memoir than a complete account of the events that have been described. Infact to be fair, the disasters seemed to me not as mere backdrops, but more of characters who took part in the author's life. There were some sections that i was particularly engrossed in, especially the account on hurricane katrina - you shake in disbelief that even in a developed country such things could happen. Find out yourself by accompanying Anderson Cooper on his various adventures, those which you or i would otherwise not experience!!!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
HBR Series - Bringing your whole self to work

I liked all the articles and especially the one on "Making of a corporate athlete" where the four layers - Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual of a person is discussed. And i found the exercise of mapping this to the day to day proceedings extremely interesting. I think layering our activities on this basis and then carrying it out with discipline will make a lot of difference.
One of the other articles talks about ADT (Attention Deficit Trait) and ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), their causes and symptoms. There are even some high level remedies that are offered. I do not mention the rest of topics simply for the reason that i dont have the patience now :) So do yourself a favor, add this one to your reading list - live life to your fullest!!
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Shekar Kapur's story
Suggest you to read it. Also please go ahead and suggest me content
like these with philosophical tone.
Enjoy reading!!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
No Solicitors Pleaseeeeeee!!
this link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_marketing
Without beating around much, let me get to the heart of the matter.
This weekend i was at the walmart for you-know-what and i met this couple neatly dressed
and curious to know where they can find a smaller version of the utensil i had in my shopping cart. Once they know that, then they want to know since when i had been in the US. Well if i am still there wasting my time, then it is time to exchange the mobile numbers!!! And then it is time to receive a few calls and multiple educational sessions to help you make you some extra money!!
Well it is no wonder that places like Walmart and IKEA are happy hunting grounds for multilevel marketing. These are places where people go to save some money. So take my advice you will have to use more than your polite best if you have to save some irritation.
Book Review - Unaccustomed Earth

All the stories involve Bengali families - but that does not really mean that there are lots of references to Bengali customs. All of them have relocated to the US at some point - a context that i think the author is familiar and finds it easy to paint her characters on. I liked the structure of the book - it has a few standalone short stories and some that are connected, almost like a short novel.
Jhumpa Lahiri is a wonderful story teller whose characters appealed to me more than the setting of the story. There is just enough mention of the surroundings, weather etc without distracting the focus on the people involved. At the end, you have a feeling of having met these characters or having conversed with them sometime. They might even be one of your friends and it is this familiarity that will make them very endearing.
Try reading this book - and let me know if you dont agree with me. I can only learn from different perpectives.
Friday, June 06, 2008
Book Review - Not without my daughter

Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Once upon a time in Soviet Union - Book Review

Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Aphrodite - Book Review

Well now that i have caught your attention ;-) let me go into details on 'Aphrodite' by Isabel Allende real quick. Brought to notice by a friend of mine, i have been reading about/listening to Isabel for sometime now. So my first pick among her works was 'Aphrodite' named after the Greek goddess of Love. Well the fact that this was the only copy that was available in the library i am member of helped the selection. Nevertheless, the title is quite interesting and set me thinking on what really can be written on this subject that can result in a book of decent size!!
In this book, Isabel teams up with few friends of hers to present wisdom on aphrodisiacs from various parts of the world. Very honestly i could sustain till the end because of her sense of humour and the weirdness of some of the facts!!. May be there is no real need for an aphrodisiac in my life as of now!! Lets assume that there are lots of them who are dying to be enlightened on this subject. For them she also has come up with a collection of aprodisiacal recipes besides general gyan on the subject. Well in short, this book is about what to do, what to wear, what to eat, what to drink and how to smell if you are on an enticing spree!!
I dont feel like putting it in my recommendation list but then if you tend to be the curious variety like me - Enjoy the book!!!
Sunday, April 06, 2008
A thousand Suns - book review

One of my favourite authors, Dominique Lapierre in "A thousand suns" shows why he is such a popular writer. An eye for detail, a heart for the poor and tales he learnt from his adventures - he has enough stories to write about. In this book he travels from one part of the world to the other with so much ease. He takes us along and shows us how fortunate we are and yet how less responsible we are to the suffering around us. It is a different fact that we probably dont hear the cries of the needy. We are ourselves sufferers of our own insecurites - though the need for it is highly debatale!!
What impresses me the most about his works is that there is joy in every struggle he sees because he finds them all heroic. He salutes the spirit of the poor and underprivileged who still manage to put up a smile despite adversities. He introduces us to many interesting and passionate men and women who bravely march ahead for the fulfilment of a herculean yet noble cause. Through his eyes we revel in the joy of having discovered things that are obvious and yet unnoticed.
The context just shifts from Bull fighting in Spain to the lepers in India to the Jewish sturggle in Jerusalem in a very beautiful manner. It seems that challenges are universal - we cannot thrive without them and we will not be able to improve without them. All it takes is a commitment to surpass the hurdles - to overlook the bad roads and proceed glefully towards the destination. To remember along the way the spirits of those brave men and women who have laid their lives for a cause. I was hooked on to this book and as usual felt humbled at the power of humanity!! There is so much we can do - There is so much that is being done already by someone!!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
The shadow of the wind - Book review

Easiest way to buy and sell in US

Friday, February 01, 2008
Azim Premji in flesh and blood

Jokes apart - i could not resist not attending the session where someone as experienced and accomplished as Premji would share his wisdom.
Everything said and done the start was not very impressive as he came a good half hour late. Dunno if he can blame it on the traffic here!! After that when he started talking, i must accept that i got completely hooked on to the session. He started of with some lessons to carry home and then continued into a Q&A session. Infact the lessons were nothing earth shaking - but to hear it from someone who has a big list of achievements against his name was impressive. Some of the work that his foundation does were quoted with some anecdotes which were pretty good. What swept the audience off the feet was his experience and dignity that he displayed. Well about dealing with business in India, he felt that there has to be a certain insensitivity that needs to be developed for the overall good.
Anything that he would like to change from his past - yes, to have spent more time with the family. Well you dont get everything in life and when the wisdom arrives it is always late for you to react!!