Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Book Review: I am a stranger here myself: Notes on returning to America after 20 years

It is not often that you come across a book that makes you fall off your chair and roll with laughter. Bill Bryson does that almost effortlessly like an extremely seasoned stand up comedian. It is a collection of experiences that he goes through when he returns to USA after living in UK for 20 years (as the title suggests, duh). In fact, my only grumble is about the title itself. I think with a few more words it would have become as big as one of his chapters.

Just to list a few topics - American tax system, post office, impact of walmart, shows what a potpourri it is. Remember that this was written for British audience, so don't be offended if you feel he sounds British!! There are some pretty serious (almost!) chapters like the one about Thanksgiving that i can imagine would have been very appropriate considering this was published just before Thanksgiving (what else?). I will let the rest of topics remain a mystery, have fun seeing it unfold as you read.

All in all, this is a great read. So let me keep it simple - just go get it.

Saturday, November 06, 2010

San Jose Rock 'n Roll Half Marathon - 2010

This one will complete my marathons for this year. Did this on Oct 3 2010 after my vacation to India. Was a little under prepared i thought, but i could further improve my time to a little under 2 hrs. Looking forward to next one...

San Francisco Half Marathon 2010

I just somehow did not find enough time till 2010 to do another half marathon. Found out that my colleague Venki Balakrishnan also wanted to do one. So we paired up, practiced and did the San Francisco Marathon. I took 2:20 to finish this one, a good 20 minutes lesser than my previous one. Enjoyed running in SFO - great setting. Planning to do it again next year.

Bangalore Lipton Marathon 2006

Bangalore Lipton Marathon: This was my first half marathon ever and hence an extremely special one. Did as a group of four (L to R: Mani, me, Karthee and Shakil) in 2006.
Marathon is a great test of your endurance much more than a contest. I took 2:44 to do this much more than some people will take for a full marathon ;) Definitely suggest it if you train up to it.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Not a Genuine Black Man - Book Review

I found this book at the library's "New Releases" stand recently. I was tempted to read this for the simple reason that this was written by a Bay Area resident and portrays the discrimination that African Americans had to face in the neighboring community of San Leandro back in the 60s-70's. Brian Copeland, who is the author of this book is also a stand up comedian and an actor (most recently in "The Bucket List" which stars Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson)

It is common knowledge that most of the comedy is a positive way of reconciling with ones past. I admire these comedians for only a very strong willed person can do so. It is not rare to see people losing their self when they are unsecured. In fact every minute you try to underestimate others, remember your insecurity has taken over.

In short, the story is about a Afro American family who moves into a lily white colony of San Leandro in the 60s and what they faced there. There are a few extremely touching incidents portrayed in the book. In fact even the wry humor with which it has been told does not mask the pain. One of them is a shop security personnel asking Brian as a boy to turn his pocket out doubting him to have stolen things from the shop. Another one is when he as a 8 year old boy, was confronted by a policeman in front of a park as he was carrying a baseball bat. He was then immediately frisked away to his house for the safety of the other residents!!

What impressed me the most is author's determination to survive in such tough conditions. The pain of isolation can easily drive a person mad. There is no doubt that the society has changed for good in all these years but there is still some ground to be covered. The least that we can do is to keep our guard against these discrimination instincts!!!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Legends: Muhammed Ali - Book: The Unseen Archives

Like most people i also have my interests well placed in the lives of great men/women who have carved a niche for themselves. So i decided to start a "Legend" Series (in no special order) where i can highlight what qualities of theirs impressed me the most.

The recent Oscar De La Hoya Vs Manny Pachiao bout made me curious about some of the best boxers the world has ever had. It is no surprise that Ali's name popped up first. So when i was looking for a book as a gift to my friend, i managed to get "The Unseen Archives of Muhammed Ali" which i found to be very good.

I had always found Muhammed Ali a very interesting personality and to see him through pictures was extremely interesting. Normally we would read an author's interpretation and make a mental picture of the same. In this case, you do the opposite - look at the pictures and make an interpretation of them.

Not only was he gifted with extraordinary reflexes, but he was also very strategic. He mostly stayed away in the initial rounds floating around and in the process tiring the opponent only to get back with his legendary knock outs. This resulted in the line "Float like a butterfly and sting like a bee". Also he refusing to join the army, openly displaying hatred for racism and joining "Nation of Islam" are extremely sensational decisions.
Remember, there is no right or wrong!!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Grownup digital

I found this extremely interesting view on the internet generation.

An article that i came across here talks about the positives of video gaming and googling. This is a total paradigm shift from what i sense is the popular opinion.

In my opinon, a good combination of book reading and net searching are needed. Former gives an opinion and substantiates it and the other helps you vet your apetite for information that will help you form an opinion.

I havent read this book and i am not too sure if i will pick this up one of these days...but then if you do read it then do me a favor and let me know on some of the details. I am certainly interested on the reasoning.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Book Review - Dispatches from the edge

CNN's current prime time hogger and a man with a very distinguished lineage, Anderson Cooper comes across as quite an intense character. Through his book "Dispatches from the edge", he explains various catastrophes he has been covering right from starvation in Somalia, war in Herzegovinia till hurricane in New Orleans.

Not only does he talk about the plight of the people under these extreme circumstances, but also the differences and similarities he sensed. It is from a people's angle and does not go into lengths with too much of facts and figures. Emotions ride high when he remembers loud of his secured past when his father was alive.

This book is more of a personal memoir than a complete account of the events that have been described. Infact to be fair, the disasters seemed to me not as mere backdrops, but more of characters who took part in the author's life. There were some sections that i was particularly engrossed in, especially the account on hurricane katrina - you shake in disbelief that even in a developed country such things could happen. Find out yourself by accompanying Anderson Cooper on his various adventures, those which you or i would otherwise not experience!!!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

HBR Series - Bringing your whole self to work

I like the Harvard Business Review series even though it is a little expensive ;-) Recently during one of my travels i picked up this one titled 'Bringing your whole self to work'. It is a collection of eight articles falling under the umbrella of improving your effectiveness at work. Most of the concepts discussed apart from the scientific terminologies might seem like common knowledge, but then who said we follow our common sense ;)
I liked all the articles and especially the one on "Making of a corporate athlete" where the four layers - Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual of a person is discussed. And i found the exercise of mapping this to the day to day proceedings extremely interesting. I think layering our activities on this basis and then carrying it out with discipline will make a lot of difference.
One of the other articles talks about ADT (Attention Deficit Trait) and ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), their causes and symptoms. There are even some high level remedies that are offered. I do not mention the rest of topics simply for the reason that i dont have the patience now :) So do yourself a favor, add this one to your reading list - live life to your fullest!!