Saturday, April 07, 2007

Games Indians Play...A book review

With some days under my belt for good friday i decided to browse the book shops for an attractive title befitting my current apetite. I stumbled upon the title "Games Indians Play" by V.Raghunathan. What made me buy this book ofcourse was the foreword by Narayanamurthy who i have great respect for.

It turned out to be a un-put-downable book and led me into very fascinating aspects of how Indians think. It could not have come at a more appropriate time as not too many days ago i was debating within me as to what makes us litter and jump traffic signals without any guilt? Why is it that we always end up getting the wrong influences from the west? Not only did this book introduce me to game theory but also compelled me to take notice of the scientific way used to analyse behaviours. I must agree that not all experiments are very detailed but still gives a fair idea of the Indian mentality - not to diagree that it bought reminisces from my past where i have displayed lack of self-regulation and apathy towards collectivism.

On the whole i thoroughly enjoyed reading a very small but honest and mince-no-words book about Indians by an Indian. I do not know for sure how this will translate into my day-to-day life yet but then to start off i will recommend this to anyone who asks me for a suggestion on books to read!!

If the author were to read this blog by some coincidence then i offer my gratitude and best wishes for lot more titles like this to come.


Divya said...


Heard about your penchant for books, and its all kinds from Arun.. This book seems to be an interesting read. Try and read Malcom Gladwell's "Blink" where he talks about "snap decision making" or what he calls "the power of thinking without thinking"..

Cheers, keep blogging, would love to know more abt the different flavours of books from you...

... said...

Nice of you (and Chalam as well) to have read and suggested another good book - i need this encouragement :) . I will definitely start on it after my current queue is cleared.
Definitely be on lookout - i took a quick look at your blog - but then havent given it a decent look...

V.Raghunathan said...

Dear Jothish,

As the author, I found your review most heartening. Thanks for the high endorsement! I guess a review like this is the true reward for any author.

Hope you are having a Wonderful Christmas and New Year Season!


Anonymous said...

Well said.

... said...

Thanks Moya